📄️ Fetch ERC20 Balances
In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of fetching the ERC20 token balances of a given wallet using Moralis RPC Nodes and ethers.js. You will learn how to make an RPC call to fetch the token balances for a specific Ethereum wallet address.
📄️ Fetch NFT Balances
In this tutorial, you will learn how to fetch all NFTs held by a specific wallet address using Moralis RPC Nodes and ethers.js. We’ll use the eth_getNFTBalances method to retrieve the list of NFTs held by a particular Ethereum wallet.
📄️ Fetch Wallet Transactions
In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through fetching all transactions associated with a specific wallet using Moralis RPC Nodes and ethers.js. You will learn how to make an RPC call to retrieve the transaction history for a wallet on the Ethereum blockchain.